We created a basic price guide for our consumers who want to know the average cost of our paintless dent removal services. Now it’s not a set stone guide. There are some stipulations. For one thing, if the panel is made out of aluminum or against a body line, behind a difficult to reach brace or roof, there will be additional costs. In most cases, our price guide gives the customer a better idea of what to expect far as price is concerned. At the end, we encourage them to email us some photos and how to take them as well for the best accurate quote as possible.
Some of the things we stress about is location, depth, access and sharpness. A small ding can sometimes be more difficult than a larger one. A smaller ding can be very sharp which means the paint is stretched. The more stretched a dent is, the harder, longer and more patience it takes to remove without jeopardizing the paint.
As always, we try to be creative and create interest along with what the consumers want to know. We are planning to sell videos like this to other PDR companies who would like to the same for their website visitors. We can create a custom price guide video for any auto reconditioning tech who is interested. Contact Myke Toledo at 858.699.2054 for more info or visit AutoLecture.com for online purchase.
800.420.3368 for scheduling paintless dent repair or any other auto cosmetic needs.