Ah, this guy has come a long way since I trained him back in 2010. A guy who had the smarts and passion to become not just a good PDR tech but a great hail repair technician. Welcome Dan Ontrop. Also known at Dan O Dents.
This video below demonstrates what he learned during the 4 week PDR training course. This video was actually shot in his third week of training. What really helps my students to succeed is the preparation I have them do before coming to my paintless dent repair course. One of those preparations are to watch these specific videos, the 4 pack dvd set. Many of my students who watch the videos don’t sit for hours trying figure out what to look for. Instead, they are ready for the next step and prepared for me to guide them into better habits and a PDR technician.
As you watch this video below, you’ll see the pin point accuracy he shows. There are many things to learning paintless dent repair. Just take a look and notice how many little details it involves for just one dent repair.